
Kinetic vs. Potential

I am Hope.

Born on a hot, sunny day
They took me home
And loved me.

I was born to dance.

I'd sneak away

Buy tickets for Broadway shows
And study their technique

My passion, alive in my feet.
A soft calming in my soul...

It's my world--
I make the rules.

One day...
I'll be at Julliard

I'll dance on a mahogany stage

I'll shine--if only for a moment
You'll be proud...    

I am Asha.
Born on a hot, sunny day...
She took me home,
And regretted me.

Every chance I got--
I'd sneak away
Let the music speak to me

Forget everything about these streets
I was happy here,
My passion, alive in my feet

And my problems drift away
It's not my world--
I don't make the rules.
But I make do.

One day...

I won't be afraid

I won't live in fear
I'll shine--if only for a moment

You'll realize my potential...
Photocredit: (Tony) Wang

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