
Black History Month Tribute pt. 3

The final part of my expression of black history month. Part 1 is an expression of me when I was really young (roughly birth through middle school). Part 2 covers most of high school. Part 3 occurred gradually from my senior year of high school until present day. So in essence, this is the evolution of me.

III. Emancipated

As storms roll across the sky,
Raindrops pelt my branches
Lightning tickles my spine
And I melt away in the rolling drops—
I take flight above my tree-top
And the world disappears beneath me.
Their opinion burns as the lightning strikes
Red fire.  Gold flames.
     Orange and yellow dancing
     To the beat of a lioness’ roar

I have become her.
Nature’s answer to pain and pride—
Not quite enough to dispel the color
Not quite enough to completely free my eyes…
But I fly and I glide,
And I dance high, higher in the clouds.
The world doesn't exist anymore
               Just me: nature’s tears
And I’m free.

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