
The Women Who Made Me

The sound of my mother's voice,
Reading words from crisp pages—
Eleanora E. Tate taught me to be proud
To be slow to judge and grateful for my life.
Virginia Hamilton whisked me away
In folk tales passed down like a legacy.
Toni Morisson showed me the beauty of words,
That classics don't have to be white.
Nikki Giovanni gave me fire,
The courage to say what's on my mind.
And Octavia E. Butler spoke to my heart
When she conquered the white man's world...
I will always stop to enjoy the sound
Of black words rising off white pages.

Photocredit: HammondPhotocredit: Shooter

Books that Changed My Life

  1. Just An Overnight Guest, The Secret of Gumbo Grove, and A Blessing in Disguise by Eleanora E. Tate
  2. The People Could Fly by Virginia Hamilton
  3. Songs of Solomon and Beloved by Toni Morrison
  4. Kindred by Octavia Butler

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