
Text Message Interlude

A bit of a random poem from a poetry prompt.
I found this crazy poetry prompt to go through my last 14 text messages, choose the third line and arrange them into a poem. I was a little confused (e.g., are only my texts valid in the count? Is it 14 conversations or text messages in general? What if one message is a whole paragraph?), so I took so liberties with the prompt. [I also edited out identifying information.] However, the whole thing sounded like a fun challenge, so here we go...

Hey. Happy Sabbath!
How is your week going?
How's it been so far?
     I've been working and some customers are just stupid
     I'm reading the commentary on Facebook now
Aww... No problem, hope you're feeling better.
     Whoop Whoop!
     This was my inspiration paragraph
Hopefully I get out soon
We'll see if I'm predictable
     Oh Bubbles
Yep, I'm trying to convince them to get a dog
He has nowhere to sit
     Creepy, right?

Photocredit: Hook

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