

Limited choices in a limited time
Bound by expectations and dreams of freedom—
The price too high to bear,
The sacrifice too complex to understand...
Young hearts fighting against old designs;
There's bound to be heartbreak.

The tears of a young girl fall,
Screams in the night can't expell her pain
And silence does little to mask her shame.
Trapped in the shadows of this sinful world,
Her childhood vanishes in raging flames.
Who will go to her? Who will unbreak her heart?

She has always been loved
That limitless love that operates unconditionally
And it has come to claim her,
To remind her of her worth.
If only every girl had this love
If every tear could be made whole.


  1. This poem is inspired by all the women of The Feast of All Saints by Anne Rice, but primarily, Marie Ste. Marie
  2. I can't believe I haven't written a book review on this book yet! Expect to see that in the coming week

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