
The Underlying Message

A summary of what I learned from Chronicles as it relates to today.


Chronicles is about the kings of Judah, with 2 Chronicles focused on the kings after the division of the kingdom. Following the timeline and keeping the names straight is probably the most difficult thing to understand when reading this book. When I first began the books of history, I wondered why they're so often overlooked in churches today. As I began Joshua, all the way through 2 Chronicles, I found that they weren't always the most interesting to read. We often aren't concerned with who ruled Israel and when, because we feel that it doesn't apply to us. However, as I continued to read, I realized quite a few reasons it's important to be familiar with the information presented in these books, particularly Chronicles.

Israel's Failure

The Israelites were really bad following God's law. I've seen many people try to debunk Christianity and Judaism by claiming archeological records show that no one practiced Judaism during the times presented in the Bible. Well, the Bible tells you they weren't practicing Judaism then. There is an explicit passage in the Bible that tell us the passover hadn't been kept in a long time (2 Chronicles 30:5). God says that while the Jews are captive in Babylon, the land will get her sabbaths, implying that either the feast days or the 7 year sabbaths had not been enforced. We probably shouldn't expect archeological records from the pre-exilic period to turn up an abundance of evidence that the Jews were worshiping God as commanded because they only did so for short periods of time.

Obviously it's good to know this when people challenge your faith. It is also important to know because these are the people who had the most direct communication with God. They are the descendants of the people who saw the waters part, yet the still had difficulties believing. If they had trouble, you know it will be difficult for us approximately 3000 years later. We have to want to hear God's voice and want to follow His ways, otherwise we will end up in the same trouble the Israelites did.

As time passes, we see the change in how leaders react to adversity. Initially leaders rely on God and God makes sure Judah prospers. However, the last kings rely on themselves to fix problems. They sell parts of God's Temple to buy protection from man. If this isn't a parallel for us giving up Godly morals to fit into the world, I don't know what is. These plots rarely help the Israelites, the same way fitting into the world doesn't help us.

One Person Makes A Difference

Often, I feel like I'm just one person and I don't matter in the grand scheme of things. It seems that my choice to do right or wrong won't effect anyone but me. However, we see that the fate of Israel is described solely through her kings and prophets. I may not be a king or even a mayor, but our actions do effect those around us. The preacher's faith and actions effect the congregation's faith and actions. The faith and actions of the congregation effect how those outside the congregation view God. It is a ripple effect. When the king partook in idolatry, the people of Judah followed his example. Similarly, if the preacher sins, everyone else thinks its ok to sin and will sin as well. We must be conscious of our actions effect those around us, but we must also remember that those around us are not perfect. We should not follow their example, but Jesus'.

The Government

That brings me to the issue of government. God didn't initially want a government in Israel. Governments mean that at some point we have to choose between what man is saying and what God has spoken. People are not perfect. No matter how great a president we select, they're unlikely to get everything right. Conversely, since we aren't perfect, it's even more likely that we select horrible people to lead. Yet, the leader of a country is very important. God makes this clear throughout the books of Kings and Chronicles. This person influences the entire nation and has the power to turn people to or against God. We should be mindful of this when selecting leaders on all levels.

True to His Word

God is true to His word. In Deuteronomy, God told the Israelites if they didn't follow the law, He would scatter them. Every curse God declared upon the Israelites about what would happen if they broke the covenant, is shown in Chronicles. From the exile itself to a kings wives and children being stolen from him. This book serves as proof that God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).


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