Asa's son Jehoshaphat not only follows God, but seeks out peace with the northern kingdom. He is a devout king that brings much good to Judah during his 25 year reign. Jehoshaphat takes the throne at 35 years old. The passages in 2 Chronicles 17-20 are paralleled in 1 Kings 22.Top
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Jehoshaphat had removed "groves" or idols from Judah, though he does not remove the "high places" or altars. God did not want idolatry among His people and was likely very proud of Jehoshaphat for destroying such things.
Jehoshaphat sets judges over the cities. He warns them, even then, about judging a person; that is God's job alone. We can discern the right actions and tell someone when they are in the wrong, but we cannot judge the soul of the person. Amariah was the chief priest at the time. Top
Healing the Rift
Jehoshaphat recognized that the Israelites of the north were the same people as those of the south and tried to repair the bonds between the two kingdoms. While meeting with the king of the north, Ahab, he agrees to go to war with Syria, despite a prophet of the LORD proclaiming their defeat.The entire exchange about the battle is quite weird. Following the exchange, it is obvious that God wanted Ahab to go into the battle to meet his demise. Jehoshaphat understood that God wants Ahab to go into this battle and therefore complies. During the battle Ahab disguises himself which almost gets Jehoshaphat killed. However, when Jehoshaphat calls on God, God protects him. There is a lot to think about here. On one hand, this could be an indication that Jehoshaphat was not in the wrong when he went to battle, because God spared him. On the other hand, this could be a lesson in choosing our acquaintances wisely. Ahab essentially set Jehoshaphat up for death. Had Jehoshaphat not called on God, he would have died in the battle. God knows that we will make mistakes, so we are fortunate that when we call to Him for help that He will answer. However, we should remember that when we associate with ungodly people we are more likely to end up in ungodly situations.
Jehoshaphat survives the battle, but Ahab does not. While we will see continued attempts to heal the rift between Israel and Judah, I can't imagine this situation helping the relation. Imagine, the reaction of Israel that their "enemy" Judah had agreed to go to battle with them, but Israel's king dies in battle and Judah's king walks away free. I'm sure conspiracy theorists of the time had a field day with that.
Jehoshaphat Condemned
In 1 Kings we never see a reaction from God or Judah about Jehoshaphat's attempt to make peace with Israel. Since God told Rehoboam not to fight his brothers, it seems reasonable to assume God would be pleased with Jehoshaphat's actions. However, a prophet of God condemns Jehoshaphat for associating with those that hate the Lord (Ahab). In the same chapter Jehoshaphat is praised for his actions in following God. This adds to the confusion of which lesson we are to take from this scenario.Today we often make the mistake of believing God wants peace at all cost, including compromise of His word. This is not true. Now that the northern kingdom had fallen so deeply into idolatry, they were just as dangerous as the pagan nations to Judah's relationship with God. God may not have wanted them fighting each other, because there was always hope for Israel's return, but He didn't want His holy nation joining with a disobedient and pagan nation, either.
In 2 Chronicles 19 we read about Zebadiah, the son of Ishmael was over Judah. I find this interesting considering the rift that existed and still exists between the children of Isaac, verses the children of Ishmael. Clearly there was an intermarriage that placed Zebadiah in this position. God forbade the Israelites from intermarrying with the Canaanites (which they did anyway), or the other pagan nations, but we see plenty of examples where people from these nations committed to follow God and were accepted into the nation. This reiterates the fact that we all have an equal opportunity to be accepted into God's nation.Top
Moab and Ammon Attack
When the Moabites and the Ammonites come against Judah, Jehoshaphat's reaction is to seek God. He even proclaims a fast throughout the kingdom. This is what God expected of his people and is in stark contrast to the kings who sold the treasures of God to buy allies from pagan nations during times of distress (even Jehoshaphat's father Asa fell prey to this mentality). God fights the war for Israel, causing the allied armies to turn against themselves and kill one another.Top
Overall Jehoshaphat is described as a great, God-fearing king. However, near the end of his reign, he joins himself with Ahab's son Ahaziah who does evil. God does not allow the works of their collaboration to prosper. It is important to choose our friends and collaborators carefully.Top
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