
Black Israel Pt. 2

The Bible says that the people of Israel would be taken to a land they didn’t know, their children would be taken from them, their wives would be raped, their bodies left for the birds to eat. Sound like the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and American slavery?
The Bible says that the people of Israel would be taken to a land they didn’t know, their children would be taken from them, their wives would be raped, their bodies left for the birds to eat. Sound like the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and American slavery?

Season 1 Episode 26

The Lord will take you back in ships to Egypt by a route that I said you would never see again. There you will sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.”Deuteronomy 28:68 CSB

The transcript for this episode is still in progress. It will be uploaded as soon as possible.

Footnotes and References

  1. Jeffrey J. Pokorak."Rape as a Badge of Slavery: The Legal History of, and Remedies for, Prosecutorial Race-of-Victim Charging Disparities". Nevada Law Journal. 2006
  2. Hollis Lynch"African Americans". Encyclopædia Britannica. December 7, 2018
  3. "Sara 'Saartije' Baartman". South African History Online; visited June 2019

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