
The Horror that was May

May was plagued with bad news (and a bit of good news). I didn't blog as much as I wanted to, but I'm hoping June sees me more active than May did. The posts I missed are still near and dear to me, so I will be writing them.
I had so many great plans for May! I was going to post more about the different food groups, celebrate Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and make significant progress in the book of Isaiah. If you've been following the blog, you know from lack of posts that I didn't do any of that. Instead, I've been super ghost.

May was a horrible month. It should have been a great month considering I ticked off the biggest item on my 30 before 30 list (I'll post about that later), but it was overshadowed by death, stress, frustration, sickness, and rain. Last month two family members died, I took on a large role for a major project at my job, moved out of my apartment, found out my iron levels dropped way below normal again, and it rained every single day. I just couldn't get my brain to focus on blogging.

So, I'm a little behind and I kinda missed Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

I'm still trying to get organized from the move, so I haven't jumped back into blogging quite as quickly as I wanted to, but I'm hoping June sees me more active than May did. The posts I missed are still near and dear to me, so I will be writing them. The way I see it, history for all people should be taught 365 days a year, so even though it's not Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month anymore, I'm still going to post the stuff I planned to post.

Thanks for being patient with me and here's to a better June.

After the storm God always sends a rainbow
Photocredit: Hanni

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