
Corrupt Leaders Corrupt Society

I think it's quite fitting that I'm reading 1 & 2 Kings at the beginning of Trump's tenure as president of the United States. We're only nine days in and he's already causing quite the commotion.
I think it's quite fitting that I'm reading 1 & 2 Kings at the beginning of Trump's tenure as president of the United States. We're only nine days in and he's already causing quite the commotion. The leader of a nation has the power to effect how their citizens behave, as well as, the people in surrounding nations. When I was younger, I believed people were less likely to give up their morals for "the powers that be." However, that's exactly what happened just before the Holocaust. The Nazi's took over and suddenly everything changed for the Jews. Hate crimes have been on the rise since President Trump's campaign took off and now Muslims have been banned from re-entering the country. We want to believe the best about people, but bad leadership brings out the worst in people and unfortunately, the worse is there to be brought out.

1 Kings follows the monarchs of Israel, both as a united kingdom and as a divided kingdom. While there are a few decent leaders, most of the kings (particularly in the northern kingdom) are idolators who drive the Israelites into paganism. When these kings sanction pagan sacrifices and worship, the people follow suit. It probably started with those who just wanted a seat at the table, so to speak. Like in the world today, there are people who will easily give up their morals for money or power. Once the powerful players are corrupted, society follows suit from peer pressure. Suddenly, those who are trying to do the right thing are the minority and ostracized for their beliefs. In Israel, prophets like Elijah were hunted down for staying true to God, just as people who try to adhere to God's word today are often criticized.

Over the next four years (if we make it that far), I expect to see the hate that Donald Trump has been normalizing to spill into our day-to-day lives. However, we must be like Elijah and stand firm in the love and compassion God has given us through His spirit.

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